Kilo, Count, on the Moon

Mahina, the Moon, in her Fullness
I woke from dreams still foggy from being elsewhere, opened the wagon door to see the Moon low in the sky in the early morning. She is just past her Quarter Moon stages, the Po 'Ole stages in my Hawaiian calendar --times for repairing nets, weeding before planting, recalculating and slowing down.

Visually, the observation, or kilo of the moon tells me what is true from my point of view: Mahina is waning in brightness. With care for what has already been, relaxing a little this morning before making new decisions or taking new action, the moon helps me to count on something bigger than myself. Slowing, we will regain some balance and clarity but first there will be waning brightness.

The moon I saw this morning is Kaloakukahi (In the visual, see 'Anahulu Ho'emi, count four phases. It was the slight curve of light I saw this morning.)

It has been too easy to get wound up in panic these days: so much information, and so little clarity.

"Early Monday morning, Mercury moves back into Pisces. It covers old ground this week: 0-3 – the degrees of mid-January, direct; as well as the beginning of Mars, retrograde. If you can directly connect those times to something personal in your life or something general in the collective, let us all know in the comments. We’re likely to have recurring themes emerge again, linked to those times...
How are you managing? What’s your thinking like at the moment? Are you finding a way to make concrete moves toward getting in the flow? What do you have faith in?" - Satori
Western Astrology and the study of my Hawaiian Moon Calendar help us manage. This Safety Pin Life began when Pete and I were living in our car, searching for safe-enough places to sleep each night. Our old beliefs and behaviors weren't working and connections with family and friends at that point were waning: the light they saw was not the light we saw. Our perceptions were different.

Before the practice and phrase banter of 'social distancing' we, Pete and I and so many others who were living rough were socially distanced. We became part of the invisibles, the untouchables. One person who found ways to remain close, and continues to be our constant safety pin, is our son. When we were new rovers he showed up with a newly created Hawaiian Moon Calendar he'd helped to design. It was 2007.

Home in the Subaru, Oahu, 2007

The study of the Hawaiian Moon Calendar was in its revitalization phase. It was new to many, and new to us. He said when he gave it to me for a Christmas gift: "Do nothing new on the 'Ole Moons." I have made it my practice.

Though we have been distracted and distanced from counting on the moon, she is ever patient with us and persistent. Today we remember who and what is important. A few challenges have presented themselves, and we make changes:

Our iphone stopped charging. We may have 'fried' it or being an old phone the connections just wore down. We panicked! But. Our very very old (2000) fliptop Samsung still works if we drive it somewhere where Verizon service is available. Instead of the swift responsiveness of texting, we were back to emails. Communication sloooowed way down. But. It was the times of the 'Ole Moons, and we had lost track. We tried to power on. Our son is in 'our loop' ready to help with a new iphone if necessary. We'll check in with each other later today.

Our food stash is low. We panicked! We tried too hard to get Pete out there in the race for resources. But. We can't afford to be in that fast lane. We know what it takes to be 'exposed' and we have a very different way of staying safe. We had to slow way down. Today, I will take time to inventory what we truly have and make decisions later about how to proceed.

2020 Hawaiian Moon Calendar

Satori's astrological questions for this week led me to search out the mid-January events in our life. The events that may be revisited as Mercury in Pisces brings up more uncertainty: Satori continues her navigational narrative with this:

"Mercury back into Pisces is unlikely to unsnarl the foggy information network. We should, however, pay close attention to the drives of our intuition. Pay attention to your dreams as well. Whether you want to believe in a feed from the collective stream, subconscious fact monitoring, or divine revelation, they tend to present similarly as information that seems to come from within but without awareness of where it originated. That can be in words, pictures, sounds, tactile sensations, scents, tastes, and may be indescribable..."

This is one of the things going on with me mid-January, 2020. I wrote this blog post to acknowledge the dreams of a man silenced because he dared to dream. In no small way The Virus is a messenger of a different collective dream.

"The giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered. A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justness of the present and past policies ... "
"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar."- MLKJ

xoxo ckb. Mom and Pete


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