Naming in an Upside-down Time

We're living in an upside-down time. The facts are slippery. New normal a constant. Where is the norm, who calls the shots, and what was that name again? I forgot.

I am writing through a bout of fever.
Don't know for sure this heat
Has got a name
Or if I'll be around
To hear it.

I am writing through a bout of fever.
What foolish games
To sit with
Words and

I am writing through a bout of fever.
Hot with virus,
Cold with sweat
The thing is
Now ... so s I don't forget.

The world is upside-down. And names of power well, they o.u.g.h.t  t.o. s.w.e.a.t. The Fool is putting on her mask, and pulling down the doom. Huddle up. In the puddles. Muddy middle ground. When all this 's o c i a l  d i s t a n c i n g' has sorted through. Give me a name that's true. For me. For you. Name us with our True Names. Name us when the time is True through.

Activate your Kuleana. Ola Kakou
"Doing it for love" 
"A few more things ..."
Astrology for the week - Satori's 
"(The Virus) and Circuits of Capital" (an article dense with 'science' in the process of being translated by Aurora Levins Morales ... Pete an I are reading the first paragraphs of Aurora's translation, which will take her awhile to complete, because we are part of her village who feeds her through support, via Patreon)


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